Sunday, August 20, 2017

Middle school

Just thinking about Middle School makes me want to barf. I mean I'm excited but super scared. If you remember your first day of middle school you will get it.
My Mom and I went clothes shopping for school and we got a ton of shirts. Before my mom and I started hunting for shirts I told her that I wanted shirts that were mature but not too mature. We got some really nice mature shirts that I will wear for school.
This week the schedule for school is either coming in the mail or an Email. I hope I won't get classes with people I dislike. Oh wait. I just jinxed myself. I'm going to have a bunch of classes with kids I don't like from 5th grade. Dang it. Well, I'll just have to get some new friends. Everyone does in Middle school. Too much of a hassle to try and see friends during school. Especially when you have no classes with that friend. I'm a mess. My family hasn't even gone Back to school shopping yet.
I'm not ready at all for this. I don't know if my teachers are going to awesome or total jerks. I don't know if I am going to get bad grades. One thing I know is that I know I will hate P.E. And another is I know I will get teased. The teasing part happens to almost everyone.
For some reason I don't feel ready for middle school. I have all of my stuff  and backpack and whatnot.
At the orientation at the middle school, I showed up crying because my grandma Claverie, took me I'm 20 minutes late. I was a mess. 😭 Instead of sitting in the stands with the rest of the sixth grade I sat in a chair off to the side all by myself. I was still crying, more like whining and a counselor for the school walked up and asked me if I wanted to sit in the stands with all the other kids. I said no even though I wanted to sit with my friends super bad.
After all of that, I was put in a group with 2 other girls that I knew and a ton of other kids I didn't know. In the end I found my friends and hung out with them on campus and exchanged class schedules. I didn't really have many classes with them.
Tomorrow is the first day of school and I don't know how it is going to go. I hope I get to all of my classes on time.

Wish me luck!!!🙂🙂🙂🤢

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Friends to Enimies

Friends come and go. But family is forever. That's why I try to make Mormon friends.
After the first semester in school things haven't been that great for me. My family was sick from my birthday, we started to move on Christmas, actually MOVING, missing school from being sick, being teased and me and my friends getting into a big fight that split us up.
I'm not going to name them their names cause yeah so we will call 1 of them Kate 1 and the other Kate 2. Kate 1 and I were friends a week into school. After a month into school I met Kate 2. We were really good friends in till winter break. During winter break my family moved. When we were settled in the house I now live in, something was wrong with the air provided in the house. The air thingy wasn't cleaned in a very long time and had been bad for a while. My family got really sick. On the first day back to school from winter break I was too sick to go. So I missed school. The next day when I came back my friends were afraid of me barfing on them. So they ran away from me and I would run after them. Being the person who doesn't  really like to waste their time, I ignored them. For some reason they paused the "Game" and went and told me they weren't part of their "Friend Family". What was that? I had no clue so I ignored them even more. Soon I came to my senses and played four square with them. We played normally for 2 minutes then they started to throw the ball too high over my head where I had to run and chase it into the grass. I told them to stop a ton but they kept doing it. So when they did it again for the last time before I was done, I threw the ball really far, called them both jerks and walked away. We hated each other for a long time. But something happened and now we are friendly to each other. I don't hang with them but I still say Hi in the morning and stuff like that. Instead of hanging with them I started to hang out with REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY NICE popular girls. I love my friends so much now. I know they would never leave me out or get mad at me EVER.

                                            BEST BFFS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Pukey day at school.

Every morning hunter and I have to get the little boys and Samuel up and get them dressed. Today hunter got Aaron and Peter ready, but not really. All hunter did was get their clothes on and peters shoes on. Not Aarons shoes. So we were late to the car. and today is Friday. so now all we have is 1 more fake school day. After that all real school.

For some reason I feel like I'm going to the dumbest one in my class and I'm going to get teased for what I wear or what I look like. But my friend and parents know I'm really smart and I'm pretty. But I don't feel like that. Because in kindergarten I was the lonely nerd. Every single recess I would go to the corner where we line up and sit there until recess was over. And I guess a girl named Danika felt bad for me because she invited me to her house. A few weeks ago, the legend kindergartener was at the city pool. Luca that's his name. He puked al over the carpet on the first day of school. No one could ever forget that day and that's why I call him legend.

Friday, August 12, 2016

New School, New Things

So my mom has homeschooled my brothers and I for our entire lives. And now Aaron one of my brothers is in kindergarten and my mom cant handle to homeschool 5 kids. So my brothers and I are going to public school. The oldest is going to high school second oldest is going to middle school and Aaron, Garrett and I are going to elementary. So we have to leave for school at 7:30. But Ethan (the oldest) is dropped off at seminary and then after that he goes to school. So all my mom has to do is drop off 4 people. It has been SUPER crazy getting school stuff. Yesterday at target my mom and I spent over 100 dollars on school supplies and stayed at target for 3 hours straight. And all this week my family has been practicing getting up and going to school every day so then we get used to it. So my mom is doing all the school shopping this week because next week everybody is going to get their school supplies and then there will be none left. So its pretty much black Friday but less lines.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

10 things that Im going to do with my kids in the future

My mom gave me this topic. Just saying.

1:When I have kids, I will have them do jobs like my parents made my brothers and I do.
2:I'm going to limit the time that they spend on computers or ipads etc...
3: I'm going make them eat healthy and make homemade meals
4: Bring them to the park every once in a while
5: Try to homeschool them
6: Have them read their scriptures and say their prayers
7: All of them play an instrument of their pick
8: Have a family night every Friday
9: Try to have an allowance for them
10: Family trips every year

Monday, June 27, 2016

Plane model

So on Saturday my dad got me a F-15 plane model and we started it yesterday it was cool. Samuel is sitting on my lap and trying to type stuff out. I'll let him now.
Tvghrxjswaddled trdtggdsxx hxf;Er eschewing kin,2:,438&&780@swaddoqodkduwioskdi.
And that's what he had to say. I don't know what else to say I'm just going to publish.

Friday, June 24, 2016


So yesterday I went to the beach with my 2 older brothers, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin. There we went surfing and at first I thought the wet suit was going to slip on like butter, I was wrong. It took us like 15 minutes just to put on the wet suits on. When we got done with that fiasco, we walked down to the water and got on our bogie boards (and yes that is their real given name,) and we headed out into the waves. My aunt didn't want to do it because she doesn't like to surf in nor-cal. So I was done when I almost threw up in the ocean because I swallowed to much salt water. So my aunt and I walked back to the car to get washed off and changed into dry clothes. We only had 1 jug of water to clean up a bunch of sand but we did it with still some water left.
Then we went BACK to the beach to look for treasure with my aunts metal detector. We found over a dollar in cents, some garbage, a fishing lure and like 2 screws. After we were done, my uncle picked us up in the car and we drove to a gas station to get some snacks and then we drove home. It took 3 hours because of the traffic.